ULTHERAPY® – Does WORK + is it for YOU?
Here at B.R.I. we’ve been researching a new + exciting FDA-approved procedure available for sagging skin called Ultherapy®.
This non-invasive procedure uses time-tested sound waves (ultrasound energy) to safely and effectively heal and tighten the skin by stimulating collagen production, going beneath the tissue to lift and contour. It’s a 60-to-90-minute procedure, and it claims to use the body’s own healing ability to restore and repair collagen. (Sounds GREAT to us!) Doctors say there is no downtime and you end up with tighter, better-lifted skin around the eyebrows, under the chin and around the neck.
Ultherapy® claims to improve the appearance of lines and wrinkles, giving women (+ men too) a fresher, more youthful look from the brows to the chest, with no toxins and no needles.
Unlike lasers, surgery, and other technologies, non-surgical Ultherapy® claims to bypasses the surface of the skin and delivers ultrasound energy at the right depths and at the right temperature. This energy triggers a natural response under the skin, jumpstarting the regenerative process that produces fresh, new collagen.
The cost of Ultherapy® ranges anywhere from $1,000 to $4,500, (depending on which areas you need), much less than a full-blown eyebrow/face/neck lift which can range from $8,000 up to $25,000.
As with ANY cosmetic procedure, opinions on results obtained vary. We have read many reviews from both doctors and patients. Many people have reported great results from this treatment. Consult with your doctor and do you own research before making a decision for yourself about this or any other procedure.
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